Alignment Laser
The best dot, line, cross, parallel line laser alignment solution in industrial alignment and calibration
Industrial alignment laser provides the most accurate and precise alignment and calibration by using dot, line, cross, parallel optics.
● Dot projecting alignment laser projects a quick and accurate reference dot, is applicable in drilling or other similar condition. A dot output ensures a straight path and provides a clear dot guide throughout the process.
● Line projecting alignment laser (laser line generator) projects a high accuracy and high linear quality laser line in sawing timber or alignment paper in a mill.
● Cross line projecting alignment laser emits two perpendicular lines, is preferable in aligning textiles, allowing an extra dimension in process with high accuracy and precision.
● Parallel line projecting alignment laser generates complex and qualified parallel line laser source from wide range of visible to infrared IR lasers, widely used for tunnel construction, bridge, monochromatic light for education, experiment and industrial automation perspective etc.
Know more about alignment laser instruction, getting the proper dot, line and cross hair projection exactly.