Tag 'laser pointer'
What is a green diode laser?
Green diode laser is projecting green spectral regions, roughly covering wide wavelength range of 500nm to 570nm, including 505nm, 515nm, 520nm. It is a laser diode that uses semiconductors, not the same as formally used 532nm green DPSS laser system. Direct diode based green laser diode module and green laser pointer are offering high level of laser beam stability, low noise, and high modulation etc.
Where can I buy a green laser pointer?
While, before choosing an ideal green laser pointer, you have been surfing online or seeking for suggestions with someone else. A qualified laser pen should not only get reliable quality, but also reliable after sale services. Low price is not the only one choice for users. It should be designed with elegant and durable shell, long lasting and good quality green laser beam and green laser dot emission of laser beam aperture.
Red Laser Line Pointer
When red laser module is equipped with qualified line emitting lens, such as glass cylindrical lens or separate crystal lens, it forms into an industrial stabilized red laser line pointer. According to the configuration of wide laser lens degree of 10 to 110 degree, this laser line module generates different laser beam fan angle, forming into various line length and line thickness in distance. It is also accepting customized manufacturing, which can fulfill the most precise line alignment and measurement in all precise device manufacturing works efficiently.
Safe Use of Green Laser Pointer
5mW green laser pointer belongs to Class IIIa laser with 532nm wavelength, uses two AAA batteries. This type of green laser projects 532nm green laser beam with high brightness, so it is extremely dangerous to eyes, especially high powered lasers. In many countries and regions, only allow 5mW green laser pointer.
Varieties of Laser Pointers
Early laser pointer only uses 633nm helium-neon (HeNe) gas laser, typically for generating power of not exceeding 1mW laser beam. The cheapest laser pointer uses near 670nm/650nm dark red laser diode. Slightly more expensive laser pointer uses 635nm red laser diode, with near orange red color laser light. 635nm wavelength is much more easily recognized by human eyes. At the same time, there are other colors of laser pointers, the most common is the wavelength of 532nm green laser pointer.
405nm Blue Violet Lasers
405nm blue violet laser pointer also gets the name of violet laser pointer. The first clarify should be that blue violet laser is not an argon laser, majority people have been misled blue violet laser is the same as a decade ago argon laser. However, in fact, blue violet laser and argon laser are completely different laser tech.